Interview about the Regenerating range with Sibylle
Irresistible vitality
This is exactly the sentiment Sibylle conveys as she prepares for a photo shoot for Dr. Hauschka in a Berlin loft. Sibylle not only belongs to the right age group to authentically represent our Regenerating range but she also embodies the joie de vivre that we bring to our products.
You are a model for Dr. Hauschka’s Regenerating range. What is the main thing required when modeling? Beauty? Charisma?
“Most importantly, I have to feel comfortable and good in myself and I have to be able to relax – then my beauty shines through.”
How does this change after 40? Do you now have a different kind of beauty?
“As you get older, you show more of yourself – and you have more to show. When I started modeling at 17, I just had a pretty face. Now I’m 44, a mom to two boys, and I work as a CAM practitioner and yoga teacher. My face tells of all these experiences and that comes across in the photos. I also like to wear less make-up than I used to: a good lipstick and a good bronzer is enough. A more natural look reflects me and my life.”
Do you have any specific rituals when it comes to face care? Can time in your own bathroom count as self-care?
“Yes, absolutely. When I apply my eye cream in the morning – very gently from inner to outer lids – or cleanse my face in the evening with my cleansing cream, these are little moments of meditation. It was actually Dr. Hauschka that first taught me the importance of cleansing the face at the end of the day. Since living in London, I can literally see the traces of the dirty city air on my cotton pad. As a result, I never go to bed anymore without thoroughly removing my make-up and cleansing my face. I consciously take this time to care for my skin and myself every morning and every evening. It gives structure to my day.”
Which is probably often quite hectic, right?
“As a mother to one infant and one child who’s in school, I have to be careful not to lose sight of myself. Children really push you to your limits, which is something we should maybe acknowledge more often. When the little one takes his afternoon nap, I do some yoga or weight training. Self-care isn’t just about mindful attention – it’s also about discipline. While this may not be a particularly pleasant word, it is an important one. For me, discipline means, for instance, making sure I foster regular sleep patterns by keeping my bedroom tidy and not watching TV in bed. Because good sleep is extremely important – and not just for models.”

When we talk about “mature skin”, what does the word “mature” mean to you?
“Something positive, otherwise I would no longer be able to model at my age. Of course, I have a few more wrinkles and age spots than I used to, but I’m also very fortunate that my job has evolved with me and that there is now far greater demand for a more diverse range of models – including older women. I think it’s important that I am able to represent women at this age.”
What are you most looking forward to in the years ahead?
“Watching my children continue to grow, getting to enjoy some time alone with my husband again, maybe doing some travelling, maybe moving to the countryside, continuing to model...”
What can you not imagine your life without?
“Aside from my family, my garden. I love growing my own vegetables and herbs – just like WALA does in its own herb garden. I need this connection to nature.”
If you could give your 20-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. Whatever life throws at you, it’s okay. Actually, this is advice that I could still give myself today.”